Questions & Answers for St. Thomas Eye Hospital - Accra

Here you will find questions & answers for St. Thomas Eye Hospital. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
Hi! Please do you do strabismus surgery? I feel really insecure about it. Whenever I talk to someone I keep my head down and never have the confidence to look up. I’ve been wearing glasses for about 3 years now and it seems to be getting worse. Please answer ????
My 2year old daughter has congenital cataract on her left eye. Can it be treated, what will be the cost and what are the risks involved?
I am Martha, I have strabismus please is it expensive to treat?
Please how much will it cost me when I come to the hospital for the first time for consultation and eye review
Pleas i kindly want to know the price of OCT.
Please am Edwina I have trabismus please is it expensive to treat.
How much does cataract surgery cost?
I'm a nineteen year old boy suffering from strabismus. My eyes wonder when I try looking at something mostly from a distance. I have been to other hospitals but they have not been able to fix it for me. I want to know if it can be fixed if I come to your hospital. The truth is, I want to be able to walk into a room with my head held up high and to be able to look people in the eye. Please reply!

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