Tianshi Vitality Softgel: 0245703180 Price

Tianshi Vitality Softgel: 0245703180 Price
About the product
Tianshi Vitality Softgel Health Benefits:

* It enhances sexual function

* It empowers the heart with ability to intolerant Anoxia

* It gives maximum nutritional support in maintaining healthy, vibrant, youthful skin (tissue) inside out.

* As an anti-oxidants, it removes free radical.

* It boosts the immune system.

* It also improves the maintenance of healthy bones

* It improves the overall body condition

* It purifies the skin, maintains a healthy and vibrant complexion

* It also prevents hair loss, poor complexion & premature aging skin

* It improves memory and strengthens Endurance

* Heals burns and dermatitis when applied externally.

* Relieves chronic stomach ulcers

* Prevents thrombosis

* It stimulates and maintains the balancing of the hormonal system

* Prevents arteriosclerosis.

* It prevents menopause, (reverses menopause)

* It prevents the inflammation of the Joints known as arthritis

* Prevents hair breakage

* It prevents old age and related diseases (Senile Dementia)
GHC 320.00
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