Hotel Central Reservation System

About the product

Hotel CRS stands for hotel central reservation system and is commonly used in resort and hotel industry. CRS or central reservation system is a computerized system that revolves around storage and distribution of information concerning resorts, hotels and host of lodging facilities. Do have a look at following link:

CRS as a tool is used to reach the global distribution system or GDS along with internet distribution system from a single point system. Hotel managers use this tool to manage their online sales and marketing avenues. They also project their rates and availabilities which are easily viewable by the sales channel i.e. the online travel agencies team aligned with CRS.

Some of the primary functions in CRS as below

Fully flexible and scalable for growing business.
Platform which is easier to use.
Manageability of rates, availability and content or information from single point of entry.
Connectivity of hotels to GDS, online travel agents as well as mobile booking engines.
Multiple distribution channels emphasized with channel manager usage.
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