Questions & Answers for Rabito Clinic, Takoradi

Here you will find questions & answers for Rabito Clinic, Takoradi. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
Please am get pimples on my face and my chest please how much will it cost me
How much does it cost for pregnancy scan
I have this rashes on my head that looks like pimples very itchy and painful. Please is there a cure for it and what will the cost be for treatment.
Please do you take insurance card?
Please my 5 yr old son has developed a certain rash all over his body but they turn to go without treatment and comes again after some time , the rashes leaves his skin with a sore and black spots all over him
Do you treat scars
I used cinnamon oil on my skin and I am having very sever ichting and Rash all over my skin
Why do i hv black and white spots at my back?

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