Questions & Answers for Naz'Rene Clinic & Skincare - Accra

Here you will find questions & answers for Naz'Rene Clinic & Skincare. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
I want to get rid of my stretch marks on my much will be the cost
How costly is a scar treatment
Pls I have a dark spot on my face at the right n left eyes getting to my has been there since growing up. I actually try solving it but it keeps coming bak when it seems like going away.
I have brown sun burn all over my neck and hand, do u offer d services of clearing them off with laser?
My pimples comes and go and its big big ,it makes my face swell,what may be the cause
I have black rash on my forehead and it keep spreading..What would be the cause?

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