West African Centre for The Protection of Animal Welfare (WACPAW) is an animal welfare charity organization which was registered in June 2015.
Our objective is to seek compassionate treatment of animals with the aim of reducing animal suffering and pain caused by people.
WACPAW focuses on how animals are treated in the farms, at the markets, during transfer, and slaughter. Our cause is funded on the fact that many people treat animals inhumanely knowingly nod unknowingly as a result of which that animals have to bear with the associated pain and suffering. For instance, a lot of animals (innocent) as they may be have been named or even killed for crimes they have not committed. Many pregnant and sick animals have gone through dehumanizing conditions like beating and slaughter at the Show more markets and transits.
We therefore work to minimize the impact of all human actions detrimental to animals including endangered species in the wild, destruction of natural forests containing ancient trees, and pollution of water bodies that destroy marine life.
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