About the product
Ingredients: nattokinase, grape stone extract, Gynostemma pentoli-lium extract, gelatine.

Usage and dosage: up to 2-3 capsules 2 times a day, wash down with warm water.

Note: the dose of the preparation should be increased gradually, beginning the first week with one capsule a day and increase the dose by one capsule per week.

Functional effect:
Liquefies blood, increases the amount of blood flowing in the vessels;
Improves the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and increases the biological access to different inner organs;
Improves the elasticity of blood vessel walls;
Hinders thrombus formation and stimulates their dissolution.
Supports vision;
Increases the bone density; reduces joint pains, in the cases of joint diseases; reduces joint and muscle pains, in the cases of intensive physical load;
Reduces lymph viscosity;
Improves the draining function and organism cleaning;

Destroys fibrin scurf, that covers oncological cells; this allows the cells – killers to recognize and eliminate cancer cells.

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