Edmark Troika For Sexual Enhancement

About the product
Edmark Troika Cafe is packed with gourmet goodness in each and every sachet. This premium blend is lovingly crafted coffee that will get you ready to tackle today with a triple powerhouse boost of benefits.


A popular traditional medicine with a host of benefits. Often used to boost the immune system, improving memory and cognitive function, improve energy levels, aids weight loss, treat sexual dysfunction in men, and suppress cancer growth.


This traditional medicine ingredient has long been used as an aphrodisiac and remedy for age-related sexual disorders and symptoms of andropause. Not only that, it combats fatigue, boosts energy and libido, improves mood, and normalizes blood sugar levels.


This “miracle mushroom” aids as an immune system stimulant, increases cardiovascular benefits, lowers cholesterol, and has anti-inflammatory benefits. Also known for its alkalizing properties, thus balancing pH levels as well as oxygenizing blood and the body.
GHS 80
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