About the product
It also contains: Vitamin C and Your Eyes
Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin and a powerful antioxidant. Abundant in fruits and vegetables, vitamin C helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including collagen found in the cornea of the eye.

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene:

Eye Benefits

Does vitamin A do anything to help eyes?
Vitamin A actually is a group of antioxidant compounds that play an important role in vision, bone growth and health of the immune system. Vitamin A also helps the surface of the eye, mucous membranes and skin be effective barriers to bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of eye infections, respiratory problems and other infectious diseases.
Chlorella Among the many benefits of chlorella is the potential to improve eyesight.
chlorella helps rebuild cells and increases circulation which in turn helps to improve eyesight clarity and overall eye health. Many users of chlorella have reported a significant improvement in their vision as a result of regular doses of chlorella.


Improves vision
Prevents or lowers the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration
Provides nutritional supplements for eyes
Supports good vision of eyes
Protects from harmful free radicals
Reduces Inflammation of the eye
Is able to cut down on many of the usual symptoms of allergies such as: Sneezing, Nasal discharge and congestion and Itching eyes.
It improves Natural Detoxification

One capsules twice daily.
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