
About the product
So you want to sell online? Why not. It seems everyone else is. Online selling is booming and will only continue to climb. An Ecommerce site is simply a website that engages the visitor to buy your products online.

Is it expensive? Depends, it can be. But it might be more affordable than you think too. There are lots of variables that come into play when determining a plan of action and price for an Ecommerce website.
Price determinants include:

Demographics - Who are you selling to and in what market? Where are those people located and how do you expect to reach them?
Customization - What level is needed? What does your website need to do that is not the standard shopping experience?
Products - How many, how will they get entered, how much information is needed for each
Photography - Pictures can really help sell a product.
Options - How many configuration options and variants are there
Shipping - How do you want to ship and at what pricing structure.
Management - What all store functions do you need to control? Can you run sales and update product information quickly and easily?
A good Ecommerce solution (like what WebTek provides) usually includes a password protected administrative interface that allows you to login and make updates and changes to your web store. Some of these changes include changing product info, prices, adding new products, uploading pictures, running promotions and pretty much whatever else you can imagine you would need.
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