Fohow Guifei Bao: 0208520993, 0273767823

About the product
Ingredients: Dragon tree (Dracaena draco) seeds extract, golden larch (Pseudolarix amabilis) , safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), shrubby sophora (Sophora flavescens Aiton, Borneo camphor (Dryobalanops aromatica), milk-parsley (Selinum carvifolia), cnidium (Cnidium Monnieri), Acacia catechu), etc


1.Start using, three days after menstruation. Open the aluminum foil bag, check the package.

2. Clean your vagina, wipe up. Use the disposable fingercot to put the pill into the depth of your vagina and leave the thread ends out.

3. Remove the capsule after three days.
When you want to take the pill out, pull the cotton thread gently, clean your vagina and pudendum with vaginal shower with a decoction of chamomile or in a special solution. Make a three-day break. Then, follow the guifei bao capsule.

4. Use 1 - 3 capsules each month.


1. For external use only!

2. Prohibited for the virgin and the pregnant.

3. No use in menstrual and lactation period. No use right before and after menstruation.

4. With caution who just has an abortion and who is allergic constitution

5. Cannot take place of medicine
GHS 400.00
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