Agriculture for Food Security & Sustainability

About the product
We promote youth to venture into commercial and mechanized agriculture as a means for supporting food security, sustainability, and food availability to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, especially among women and children in deprived communities. Intervention programs in this sector;

facilitates access to farm lands, farm machinery, tools and equipment, guarranteed pricing and storage facilities to remove hindrances to commercial production of food.
develops production capacitis of farmers in animal husbandary and crop production, pest and disease control programs, financial literacy programs, promote cooperative farms especially in fish and livestock.
supply farm tools and machinery, support communities to access, control and protect their local natural resources, in particular farmlands.
undertakes any research necessary and publish research findings to inform, educate and or draw public and state authority attention on the need for action in the agricultural sector.
promotes youth in agribusiness through training and introduce business mentorship programs.
works with extension officers and state institutions to act in the interest of farmers, especially tax incentives for commercial farmers and agribusinesses.
links farmers to markets with attractive, competitive pricing and introduce technology for agric value chain.
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