Lokhanda Kiddie Safety

About the product
Lokhanda Kiddie Safety is a child protection program teaching children personal safety skills and strategies to prevent bullying, abuse, abduction and other violence.

The program teaches personal safety skills, physical self-defense and critical thinking skills coupled with basic first aid skills necessary to effectively recognize, prevent, or survive real-life issues children face in situations such as bullying, stranger safety, sexual abuse, neglect, exploitation's, abduction and other emergencies in school, at home, in the community or emergencies.

Kiddie Safety is an age-appropriate program for younger kids, youth, and teens or young adults. Kiddie Power aims to develop confidence, awareness skills, self-worth, and physical skills necessary to positively affect children’s attitude, behavior and character with an educational curriculum designed to prevent or stop violent situations, reduce their risk, defend rights and fulfill their full potential.

The Program through role play give children the opportunity to set boundaries, look out for their friends, speak up about sexual abuse, be persistent in getting help and take steps to increase awareness skills, physical fitness, increase calm, confidence and respect for others while using their power to stay safe and act wisely. They also learn about sexual health, consent and teenage pregnancy. Kiddie Power prevent fear, anxiety, low self esteem, drugs, and decreased academic achievement due to children most likely missing, skipping, or dropping out of school due to abuse, bullying and other violence NB: Kiddie Safety is a child-protection program not martial arts.

Course Module:
1. Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries
2. Positive Communication and De-escalation skills
3. Bullying, Sexual Abuse and Violence Prevention Skills
4. Effective targets and maximum Striking Power
5. Personal Safety and Physical Self-defense Skills
6. Getting Support, Healing and Recovery
7. Basic first aid + CPR
GH ¢500.00
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