About the product
.Perfect for sensitive skin

Repairs damaged parts of the skin

Eliminates scars and stretch marks with repetitive use

Contains placenta essence

Gives radiant ,smooth and even skin tone with youthful skin

Has the affinity to skin, can penetrate into the skin and help to improve damaged skin. This body cream's deep maintenance makes the skin keep rich lipid, prevent the skin coarse and aging wrinkles, make skin smooth and tender, white and radiant youthful vitality. Glycerine as its content is suitable for atopic dermatitis treatment. SKIN CELLS; it helps direct skin cells through their four (4) normal stages of maturity, this is important for people with diseases such as psoriasis and non-melanoma skin cancers that result from abnormal proliferation and maturation of the skin cells. SKIN ELASTICITY; it helps to make skin more supple. MOISTURIZER; it has humectants properties drawing water into the outer layer of the skin, for dry, rough or scaly skin. IRRITANTS; it protect the skin against irritation, it staved off any negative effect from irritations, provided a significant improvement to regenerate
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