Questions & Answers for Battor Catholic Hospital

Here you will find questions & answers for Battor Catholic Hospital. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
How much is a mymectomy surgery
Why do your hospital charge for hepatitis b vaccination for newly born babies and say receipts are not given for that meanwhile we all know anything you pay at the hospital demands a receipt??
Please, what is the cost of fibroid removal at your unit?
Please can I still have a child when I have fibroids? I'm 38 and have been trying to have a child with fibroids. Can you please advise me on what to do?
Yes you can, at your age you have the chance, please mail me.
Is the operation unit working at the moment? My sister has fibroid can we come next week?
How do I get started if I want to remove my fibroid at Battor Hospital.

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