About the product
Introducing to you today ADWELLE
IMMERplus Adwelle is a plant-based food supplement that combines both fruits and grains essences, which are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins, minerals and other nutritional ingredients.
Adwelle contains proteases extracted from pineapple and papaya that are highly bio-catalytic. Proteases are enzymes which can effectively break down protein in food, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and restore normal digestive function.
*ADWELLE HEALTH BENEFITS * 1. Digests fats, carbohydrates and proteins within 20min.
2. It has anti inflammatory properties
3. Cleanses the colon
4. *Relieves constipation*
5. Anti bacterial properties
6. It inhibits toxins secretion in the GIT
7. Balances intestinal bacteria
8. Regulates intestinal ph
9. Regulates blood sugar
10. Improves intestinal mineral absorption
11. Lowers fat and cholesterol
12. Dissolves blood clots hence reduces cardiovascular diseases and helps improve menstrual cramps.
13. It can significantly inhibit the proliferation of cervical cancer cells (Hela cells)
14. It helps relieve heart burns from indigestion. 15. It helps release gas causing bloating tummy from indigestion.
IMMERPlus Adwelle utilises enzyme to enliven your beauty and your health. 0503289423
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