About the product
Benefits of Sports Massage

Massage, applied skillfully, is the most effective therapy for releasing muscle tension and restoring balance to the musculo-skeletal system. Received regularly this may help athletes prevent injuries, which might otherwise be caused by overuse. A constant build up of tension in the muscles from regular activity may lead to stresses on joints, ligaments, tendons, as well as the muscles themselves.

These muscle imbalances may develop and often go undiagnosed until they are serious enough to cause the athlete discomfort or impede performance. The skilled massage therapist will be able to detect variations in the soft tissues and by using the correct techniques, help the sports person maintain a much healthier physical state.

It may therefore be reasonably claimed that one of the greatest benefits of sports massage is in helping prevent injury.

Contraindications for Sports Massage

There are times when sports massage could be detrimental rather than beneficial to you. The contra indications to massage are:

A body temperature over 100°F, or feeling unwell
Acute Traumas - Open wounds, recent bruising, muscle tears, sprained ligaments, contusions, chilblains, burns
Tumours - Where there is swelling, which is inconsistent with recent bruising
Diseased blood vessels - Varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombosis
Infectious skin disease - Bacterial infection, Lymphangitis, Fungal infection, Viral infections, Herpes
Where you react adversely to massage treatment
Where your symptoms appear to make advice from a doctor advisable
Diabetes - not strictly a contraindication but massage has the same effect as exercise on your blood sugar levels so you need to have appropriate medication available
GHC 80
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