Volunteering and Intenship

Volunteering and Intenship
About the product
3. Human Resource Development And Entrepreneurship Aid
• Business and Innovation Workshops / Seminars
• Youth Training and Development
• Vocational / Technical Skill Education
• Career Development
• Etc.

4. Schools And Community Outreach Programs
• Measures to Control and Prevent Teenage Pregnancy, Street Children, Drug Abuse, and all forms of Social Vices.
• Adolescent Sex Education.
• Anti-Child Labor and Trafficking Campaign.
• Social Innovation Initiatives
• Organizing Free Remedial and Vacation Classes for Students.
• Socio Economic Development Projects
• Children and Youth Educational Rights
• Children and Youths Health Education
• General Welfare of Children and Youths.

Website: www.cccn.webs.com

Facebook : www.facebook.com/cccnpage.

Facebook group: https://web.facebook.com/groups/2470017853224119/

Join our LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8582950

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cccncounseling / @cccncounseling

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_qtmHVAFCtfoG1nfVQsgDg

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