The List of Bottled Water Companies in Kumasi, Ghana

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We found 4 companies

Voltic Gh. Ltd.

Near STC Yard, Fomer A-Lang Warehouses, Kumasi
As a unique brand that has remained the market leader for twenty-one years and still counting, Voltic has become a generic name for mineral and bottled water in Ghana through the provision of world-cl...

Massoud Water Ventures

MASSOUD WATER VENTURES IS A WATER ENGINEERING offers Borehole Drilling Services for Water Wells, Hand dug wells, Geophysical Investigation , Ground Water Monitoring. WE OFFER BEST SOLUTION, FROM INITI...
 Verified+7  Years with us

Jak Enterprise

Bantama High Street, Kumasi

Bottled Water in Ghana is an increasingly popular beverage choice due to its convenience, affordability, and wide range of flavors. It is especially popular among the youth, who often opt for bottled water when on-the-go. Bottled water is available in a variety of sizes, from small single-serve bottles to larger containers. The most popular brands are Voltic, Aqua Saf, Aqua Pride, and Aqua Splash. These brands offer a variety of flavors, including fruit-flavored and carbonated water. Bottled water is also available in many convenience stores, supermarkets, and gas stations throughout Ghana.

Overall, bottled water in Ghana is a great choice for those looking for an easy, affordable, and delicious way to stay hydrated. With its wide range of flavors and sizes, it is easy to find the perfect bottled water for any occasion.