Questions & Answers for TNT Express Worldwide - Accra

Here you will find questions & answers for TNT Express Worldwide. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
Please I required for some provisions like laptops and iPhones from U.S.A, are people going to deliver it to my doorsteps for the clearance fee to be paid to you people at my doorsteps or what?
I would like to send a parcel to Russia,do you accept lotions and normal medicines for delivery ??
5 coins to be sent from Accra to America, what is your quote
Is it only kumasi that ur office is cos a friend told me she i have a parcel at TNT courier service
I have a parcel in Accra and needed it to be delivered to me in London, do you do such a thing and whats your quote for 5kilos weight

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