Questions & Answers for Western Pharmacy Ltd. - Kumasi

Here you will find questions & answers for Western Pharmacy Ltd.. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
Please do you have Periactin pills and how much is it
Please can I get vitadine syrup at your place?
And price for it?
Please do u sell gym supplements? Like serious mass, carnivormass, if yes may I know the prices?
Please do you have planet Ayurveda pills? And the price
Please do you have planet Ayurveda pills?
Please do you have chloroquine tablet
How much is the following drugs bactiflox 500, Cipro 500 and penicillin G benzanthine.
Please do you have proxeed plus and the price
Do you have Tramador 100mg?
Yes, we have tramadol
Are you a dealer or manufacturer?
R B Mani
we deal in wholesale and retail of pharmaceutical products

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