Questions & Answers for University of Education, Winneba

Here you will find questions & answers for University of Education, Winneba. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
I applied as mature applicant and have not received any response yet,please what should I do?
How do I get my transcript for my place of work
Please can my school outside Ghana get my transcripts?
Please when will entrance exams for distance education will start?
Pls I had social studies b2, science c5, maths c4, English d7, history b3 , geography b3, french b3, economics c4. Pls can I offer BA in social studies at uew ?
How does one get transcripts outside Ghana.. what is the process
Please how can I get past questions for BBA(HR) 2year post diploma for level 400.
Please, 2021 mature distance forms out?.
I need past question and and answers ITE level100 course
Please may I know when mature students will be giving admission after the mature entrance exam for 2020?
Please,I bought the winneba, distance,but til now I haven't gotten any message, please may I know why?
Please can I pursue undergraduate B.ed accounting by sandwich at UEW?
Please I want to write a letter to the registrar and I need his address
Can I be admitted the school with Core maths b3, English c5, Social a1, Sciencec6 and my electives Biology c5, E- maths d7 physics and chemistry e8 ?
Please my name isn't part of the admission list,do I have to wait because I learnt its in badges
Please after one attempt of accessing uew admission form with an application voucher. other attempt has failed . please how can i rectify that problem

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