Questions & Answers for KING DAVID HOSPITAL - Accra

Here you will find questions & answers for KING DAVID HOSPITAL. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
Who do I talk to about being discharged and paying the bill
I was wondering how Mariama Huseini is doing, is the IV helping
Do you have a Doctor Thomas Afriyie at your hospital? and if you do, who exactly is he? is he the head of anything there at your hospital? I was told that he was there at this hospital.

Thank You for helping me
I would like to check up on a patient of yours, his name is Wilson opoky. I was told he was in an accident and I'm concerned. could you please tell me his condishion and how he is doing.thank you.
Do you have food service for patients that are in your hospital?? Or they must buy their own food and water to drink??

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