Questions & Answers for Ghana Corner Shop - Accra

Here you will find questions & answers for Ghana Corner Shop. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
What was it about the old man that make narrator feel so uncomfortable ??
Why did the narrator want to pay the old man half the money he had earned from the sale of the frog?
What made the narrator feel so good when he visited the antiques shop ?
It was clean brightly lit and the a crackling fire leapt up the chimney.the atmosphere was so warm and cheerful that made the narrater feel so good
The narrated saw very historic and cultural antiques this made him feel good
Why did the narrator want to pay half of the money he had earned from the sale of frog
What had made miss wilson's father become mentally disturbed?
Do you like the ending of the story? Why/Why not.
What had made miss wilson's father become mentally disturbed
Can we explain the reason behind the wonderful smile that spread across the old man's face when the narrator told him about the money that he wanted to give them?
What change did the narrator notice when he visited the shop again?
The narrator noticed a vast difference when he revisited the shop. The clean brightly lit,warm and cheerful atmosphere .Moreover he had a pale ,frailand trembling old man ti welcome him this time unlike the bright ,active & fairly dressed sisters

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