Review unsafe working conditions in small scale mining

unsafe working conditions in small scale mining
I got injured at underground whiles on duty at tarkwa in the company of Mohammed brothers managed by Chinese and Ghanaian nationals.I was hospitalized for 3 days and was discharged took my medicines until it got finished in the month of February this year. The month came to and end and to my surprise the bills were deducted from my salary which i complained severally and was never heard. I reported it to the labor office and it was paid back. I told the officer am not in good condition so he said unless been examined by a medical doctor. Two days later i went to the hospital of which I was admitted to seek for the report then was told Chinese people were there demanding the report and were denied a day before i went there.I was given the report and was told it has affected my spinal cord the lumbar spine. It's been 7 months now and nothing has been done.They were served letters from a lawyer which he says the labor officer is pleading to him not to send the case to court. Please am in pains and suffering. I need your help to seek for justice. Thank you. My regards. Emmanuel ekow enchill idun from obuasi.

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